This short story revolves around a three-day summer program for kids who are learning to cope with the loss of a loved ones. The grieving children understand that their feelings are normal and that talking about them may help them recover with the help of experienced specialists. One Last Hug is a testimonial to the healing power of shared pain. It depicts the often-unseen and unique experience of children's bereavement.
Film Comments — a movie review platform and production brings together the best reviews of the short film.. Watch the movie on Amazon Prime.
This is a wonder wonderful idea for children, even as adults losing a loved parent is hard. can't wait to see the full doc.
Camp Erin emphasizes the idea we hate to hear when we're kids but embrace and preach when we get older, which is that we need to talk about our feelings and get them out in the open.
This is a wonderful small documentary, with thought-provoking themes about mourning that could easily be expanded into a feature film.
A poignant look into the possibility of transforming a child's grief after the loss of a loved one in a very special space called Camp Erin.